How Can a Health and Wellness Program Improve Your Business in the Long Term?

Striving for sustainability and success? Health and wellness programs are not always a top focus for management who are driving the growth of the company, but it should be. It is only ethical that employers take some responsibility for employee’s wellbeing

There are many benefits when businesses put an emphasis on wellness. Implementing health and wellness plans or simply paying attention to the wellbeing of workers through well-planned initiatives that promote a culture of wellness within a company serves to improve the physical and mental health of employees. There is no doubt that this will have a number of positive outcomes for the business, as there is a strong link between employee wellbeing and professional performance. 


Absent workers due to illness cost a business time and money.

The sickness absence due to mental health alone costs companies a hefty amount.  That does not even take into consideration the absenteeism of others who fall ill for various reasons and miss work. Successful health and wellness initiatives plans would lead to cost-saving, as people will likely be healthier and therefore miss work far less than when there is no focus on improving their health. 

It is also important to take into consideration that money is saved by not needing to replace staff as frequently, as healthy employees are often happier and more likely to stay in a job for longer.


Health and wellness plans that lead to healthier workers will equal more productivity, simply since absenteeism will have the opposite effect.

Many businesses believe that sickness absence had a significant detrimental impact on their productivity over the past few years. Addressing the issues that lead to staff being absent from work due to ill health produces positive benefits for the companies involved.

Staff spent more time at work, were more productive overall, and the businesses saved the cost of recruiting others to cover for sick employees. 

Higher levels of productivity make for better performing businesses, so health and wellness initiatives certainly come full circle in improving the prospects for sustained business success. Modern businesses ignore the need for such efforts at their peril, failing to see the clear link between a healthy and productive workforce.

Positive Brand Image

Public relations, talent acquisition and employee retention that focus on health and wellness can put a positive spin on a brand’s image while boosting the morale and loyalty of those in the company. 

Arroyo insurance can help develop the right culture through wellness initiatives that attract and retain the most talented people while maintaining a reputation as a caring employer, which is good for business and a valuable perk for those within the company.

About Arroyo Insurance Services

Arroyo Insurance Services was officially established in 1986, but we have roots dating back to before 1950. One of California’s leading client-oriented and independently owned agencies, we have over 140 employees with a combined experience of over 450 years, spread across 11 locations. We are committed to providing the best insurance and risk management services at the most competitive premiums, and backing it with hands-on service tailored to our customers’ needs. For more information on how we can mitigate your risks, contact us today at (877) 220-4769.